Tuesday, September 1, 2009


A twisted smile my face holds,

A long lost story that it’s told.

A feeling you left me to endure,

Something I haven’t felt quiet so pure.

I let the hair cover my mind, let it cover my eyes,

As I wish for something to replace my disguise.

A blindfold that curtains the truth held behind the orbs,

The honesty that I contain will never be absorbed.

I breathe, but yet I can’t smell any traces of life,

I set my eyes to see, but I can’t relive in another’s joy.

The emotion you left me wasn’t one to shake,

For you I let time decided, fate it is, or fate is I?

The sand grains of the hourglass runs empty,

The glass container ever so transparent and hollow.

In a blanket of imagery, I laugh into the distance,

Insane I am; deprived is the way that won’t sway.

Hah; you won’t catch up with me.

But, how could you be so bold?

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Well. What to start on? Today & yesterday night has been pretty fucking epic, or hectic as that matter. Was away from school for two weeks and of course they welcome me back with shit loads of work and two tests to do, how brilliant. /Clasps hands together in sarcasm. God, I hate school, I can't wait until I go to college next year, it'd be heaps easier, and blah blah /Rants.

Sorry, I'm in a very bitchy mood today, my headache is getting worse, and I have no idea how to even start my stupid English speech that revolves around a woman going k-nuts. and the other gets misused for sex or whatever. The joy.

Onto yesterday night, well, the past few days other than being sick, I haven't really been feeling all that up to it...A girl's been occupying my mind I guess, really sucks you know, I hate girl problems or relationship problems, but eh, she makes me smile as much as I cry, honestly do love her, but we had an amazing d&m yesterday anyway, kind of made me remember why I like her so much, and makes me realize how much she means, she honestly touched me with her words yesterday. /Tear. Man, what I'd do for her.

Other than that, I have nothing much to say, and to Anoushka, if you're reading this right now, well kudos to you, and a little shout out, I LOVE YOU, YOU SEXY BITCH!


If you are, then can I butter your muffin? Mr. Muffin man. /Corny wink.
Eh, I don't know, I'm full of cheesy pickup lines I guess, first entry, I honestly have nothing much to say. My neck kind of hurts, slept retarded since I had to give a pillow to Ivan when he stayed over yesterday, and I'm completely worn out, mentally that is, I think my eyes are about to explode, they're so irritated.

So what else is there to talk about? Oh right, my best friend Laura burnt her crotch today, how exciting, and my other friend patted it better. Charming, don't you think?

I seriously am not having a good day you know, I'm starting to get a headache, ergh, life does suck sometimes.
Well, I'm probably retiring for bed soon. Soon as in two hours, heh.

Night Bruh,